Our accreditation process involves four different stages which are progressed through along these five steps.
Stage 0: Informal inquiry -
covers the principles and functions of management. You will be taught the key elements in planning and decision-making and the significance of different controls required in an organisation.
Stage 1 - Scrutiny of Application Form and Accompanying Documents -
Stage 1 involves the review of the documentation submitted with the application. If the information provided is assessed as acceptable, the process moves to Stage 2. If it is not acceptable, the institution may be advised either on actions to be taken to rectify the perceived shortcomings, or that it is unlikely that EQ would accredit it at this stage of its development.
Stage 2 - Initial Inspection Visit -
The Stage 2 inspection will normally, as a minimum, be a one day visit by an EQ Inspector, who will focus on the institution's compliance with statutory and immigration requirements, premises and health and safety, the quality of management and student support, and the adequacy of the teaching resources for the advertised or planned courses. The inspectors will need to examine procedural documentation, attendance recording systems, examples of marked work and feedback forms from students, and statutory documentation.
During their visit, the inspectors will also meet with key management staff, the principal and institution owner. A tour of the premises will take place and key documentation will be reviewed. After the visit, they will prepare and submit a report to the EQ Accreditation Committee. The report will also identify any areas the college needs to improve on before moving accreditation is awarded.
This report will be carefully considered by the Accreditation Committee, who will then weigh up the information contained and decide whether or not to award Interim Accreditation. Interim Accreditation will last for a period of 12 months. If accreditation is not awarded at this stage, the institution will be informed of this and given the chance to appeal against the decision, if they can provide grounds for reconsideration.
Stage 3 - Accreditation Inspection Visit -
A full inspection covers the following inspection areas: 1. Management, Staffing and Administration 2. Teaching, Learning and Assessment 3. Student Welfare 4. Premises and Facilities.
Management of quality and the institution's quality assurance procedures are assessed throughout each area of inspection. While all four Areas of Operation will be covered during the Stage 3 inspection, there will be an emphasis on academic matters, including learning and teaching, resources and quality management, together with student welfare and reporting to official bodies. The Inspectors will also ensure that the institution has responded satisfactorily to issues raised during Stage 2. In general, inspectors will seek to encourage institutions to look for ways in which they might continue to improve their provision and suggest ways in which this might be achieved.
During Stage 3, the inspectors will need to meet the principal, staff members, CEO, and possibly the institution's owners. Then detailed surveys and assessments will take place, teaching sessions will be observed, and the inspectors will meet privately with students to EQ their opinions and viewpoints. Finally, there will be a final meeting with the principal where the inspectors will provide an informal report and feedback on their findings.
The inspector will then submit a report to the Accreditation Committee who will consider whether or not to award Full Accreditation. Full Accreditation will last for a period of two years.