Resources for Students
L4 Diploma in Business and Management Studies
- John Adair (2002), 100 Greatest Ideas for Effective Leadership and Management, Capstone
- John P. Kotter (1999), A force for change, the difference between leadership and management, The Free Press; 1st Edition edition
- Jo Owen (2009), How to lead: what you actually need to do manage, lead and succeed, Prentice Hall 2nd edition
- G Whitehead & G Whitehall,(2005) Business Management & Administration, Institute of Commercial Management
- R C Appleby, (1994),Modern Business Administration, Pitman.
- M Buckley,(1994), The Structure of Business, Pitman
- Richard Barrett (2006), Building a Values-Driven Organization: A Whole System Approach to Cultural Transformation, Butterworth-Heinemann; 1 edition
- Richard Barett (2011), The New Leadership Paradigim, Lulu com
- Robert Kegan (1998), In over our heads, the mental demands of modern living, Harvard University Press
- P S Atiyah (1995), Introduction to the Law of Contract, Clarendon Press.
- Beale, Bishop and Furmston (2001), Contract — Cases and Materials, Butterworth.
- Cheshire, Fifoot and Furmston(2001), Law of Contract, Butterworth, October.
- J Cooke (1997), Law of Tort, Prentice Hall.
- Elliott and Quinn (2002), Contract Law, Longman.
- Elliot and Quinn (1997), Tort Law, Longman
- Harvey and Marston (2004), Cases and Commentary on TORT, Prentice Hall, 5th edition.
- J Hodgson and J Lewthwaite (2001), Law of Torts, Blackstone
- A Pannett (1997), Law of Torts, Prentice Hall.
- G Treitel (2003), Law of Contract, (Sweet & Maxwell.
- M Young (1997), Cases and Commentary in Contract Law, Prentice Hall.
- Adcock D et al, (2001), Marketing Principles and Practice 4th Edition, Pitman Publishing.
- Brassington F and Pettitt S (2003), Principles of Marketing 3rd Edition, FT/Prentice Hall.
- Jobber D (2001), Principlesand Practice of Marketing 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill.
- Kotler P et al (2001), Principlesof Marketing 3rd European Edition, FT/Prentice Hall.
- Kotler P and Keller k (2011) Marketing Management 13th edition, Prentice Hall.
- D Cox and D Street (2001), Financial Statements Tutorial, Osborne Books.
- J R Dyson (2010), Accounting for Non-Accounting Students 8th edition, FT Prentice Hall.
- M Jones,(2006), Accounting, John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
- Atrill P and Mclancy E, (2010), Accounting and Finance for non-specialist with my Accounting Lab, Prentice Hall
- M Armstrong (2001), A Handbook of Human Resource Practice, Kogan Page.
- BPP (1997), Business Basics: Human Resource Management 2nd Edition, BPP Publishing, London
- M Corbridge and S Pilbeam (1998), Employment Resourcing, FT Prentice Hall, 1998.
- R Dransfield , S Howkins , F Hudson and W Davies W (1996), Human Resource Management for Higher Awards ,Heinemann.
- M Foot and C Hook, (2002), Introducing Human Resource Management 3rd Edition, FT Prentice
- Hall, Harlow.
- D Torrington, L Hall and S Taylor (2002), Human Resource Management 5th Edition, FT Prentice Hall, Harlow
L5 Diploma in Business and Management Studies
- M Coulter M (2001), Strategic Management, Prentice Hall, 2001 2nd Edition G Johnson and K Scholes (2002), Exploring Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall. R Lynch (199), Corporate Strategy, Prentice Hall, 1999
- J L Thompson (2001), Understanding Corporate Strategy, Thomson Learning, Unit 2 Principles of Management and Leadership
- John Adair (2002), 100 Greatest Ideas for Effective Leadership and Management, Capstone.
- Elearn (2008), Leading Teams, revised edition, Pergamon Flexible Learning.
- David Buchanan and Andrej Huczynski (2000), Organisational Behaviour: An Introductory
- Text, Pentice Hall
- Laurie J Mullins (1999), Management and Organisational Behaviour,
- Prentice HallS Robbins (2003), Essentials of Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall International, 4th edition
- S Brown et al (2000), Strategic Operations Management, Butterworth Heinemann.
- L Galloway L et al (2000), Operations Management in Context, Butterworth-Heinemann.
- J Heizer and B Render (2003), Operations Management, Prentice Hall. N Slack et al (2000), Operations Management, Pitman.
- D L Waller D L (1999), Operations Management — A Supply Chain Approach, Thompson.
- K Anderson and C Kerr (2001) Customer Relationship Management, McGraw-Hill
- Professional.
- F Buttle (2008), Customer Relationship Management: Concepts and Technologies, 2nd
- Harvard Business Review on Customer Relationship Management (2001), Harvard Business School Press.
- Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann.
- S Barber (2001), Company Law: Textbook, Old Bailey Press. I Brown et al (2000), Commercial Law, Butterworth.
- S Judge (1998), Business Law.
- L Mead (1995), Practical Company Law: An Introductory Text, Elm Publications.
- G Morse et al (1999), Charlesworth & Morse Company Law, Sweet & Maxwell, 1999. M Ottley (2002), Briefcase on Company Law, Cavendish.
- F Rose (2001), Nutshells Company Law, Sweet & Maxwell.
- Smith and Keenan (2000), Advanced Business Law, Prentice Hall.
- M Armstrong (2001), A Handbook of Human Resource Practice, Kogan Page.
- BPP — Business Basics: Human Resource Management 2nd Edition (BPP Publishing, London,
- M Corbridge and S Pilbeam S (1998) Employment Resourcing, FT Prentice Hall.
- R Dransfield, S Howkins, F Hudson and Davies W (1996), Human Resource Management for Higher Awards, Heinemann, 1996.
- M Foot, C and Hook (2002), Introducing Human Resource Management 3rd Edition, FT Prentice Hall, Harlow.
- D Torrington L Hall and S Taylor (2002), Human Resource Management 5th Edition (FT Prentice Hall, Harlow.)
- J Adair and M Allen (2003), Time Management and Personal Development, Thorogood, C Evans (2008), Time Management for Dummies,John Wiley and Sons.
- D Megginson and V Whitaker (2007), Continuing Professional Development, 2nd Edition,
- Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
- M Pedler, J Burgoyne and T Boydell (2006) A Manager's Guide to Self-Development.
- 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Professional
- G Armstrong et al (2009), Marketing: An Introduction, Financial Times/Prentice Hall, P Baines, C Fill and K Page (2008), Marketing, Oxford University Press.
- J Blythe (2008), Essentials of Marketing, 4th Edition, Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
- D Grewel and M Levy (2007), Value-Based Marketing, McGraw-Hill Higher Education
- D Jobber (2009), Principles and Practice of Marketing, 6th Edition, McGraw-Hill Higher Education
- R Kerin et al (2006), Marketing, McGraw-Hill.
- P Kotler et al (2010), Principles of Marketing, 5th Edition Financial Times/Prentice Hall. M Levens (2009), Marketing (Pearson Education.
- W F Pride and O C Ferrell (2007), Marketing, Houghton Mifflin
- M R Solomon et al (2009), Marketing: Real People, Real Decisions, Financial
- Times/Prentice Hall, 2009
- N T Wood (2010), Marketing in Virtual Worlds, Prentice Hall
L6 Diploma in Business and Management Studies
L6 Diploma in Business and Management Studies
- Alan Griffiths & Stuart Wall (2011), Economics for Business, 3rd edition, Pearson
- Sytse Douma & Hein Schreuder (2008), Economic approaches to organisations, 4th edition, Person
- Joseph Nellish & David Parker (2006), Principles of Business economics, 2nd edition, Pearson.
- Mcaleese (2004), Economics for business: Competition, Macro-stability and Globalisation, Pearson
- Brian Atkinson & Robert Miller (1998), Business Economics, Pearson.
- John Sloman, Essential of Economics, Prentice Hall
- John Sloman & Mark Sutcliffe (2007), Economics for Business, FT/Prentice Hall
- Chris Fill (2001), Marketing Communications: context, strategies and applications, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall; 3 edition
- David Picton (2004), Integrated marketing communications, Financial Times/ Prentice Hall; 2 edition
- Dan Steinbock (2000), The Birth of Internet marketing communications, Quorum Books
- Richard J. Varey (2002), Principles and practice, Routledge
- Douglas West (2010), Strategic marketing: Creating competitive advantage
- Abbass F Alkhafaji (2003) Strategic management: formulation, implementation and control in a dynamic environment, Routledge
- Paul Dobson, Ken Starkey, John Richards (2004), Strategic management: issues and cases, Wiley-Blackwell
- George E Luffman, Edward Lea, Brian Kenny (1996), Strategic management: an analytical introduction, Wiley-Blackwell
- analytical introduction, Wiley-Blackwell
Colin White (2004), Strategic management, Palgrave Macmillan
- Tony Morden (2007), Principles of strategic management, 3rd edition, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd
- Paul Joyce & Adam Woods (2001), Strategic Management: A fresh approach to developing skills knowledge and creativity, Kogan Page Series
- David Hussey (1998), Strategic Management: from theory to implementation, Butterworth-Heinemann
- L Mullins,(2004), Management and Organisational Behaviour Pearson Higher Education
- R Daft (2006) Organizational Theory and Design South-Western College Publishing
- Alan Bryman, Emma Bell (2011), Business research methods, 3rd edition, OUP Oxford
- M. N. K. Saunders, et al (2009) Research methods for business students 5th edition
- Financial Times/Prentice Hall
- J Gill and P Johnson, (2010) Research methods for managers. 4th edition. London, Sage
- Norman Selwyn (2019, )Selwyn's Law of Employment, OUP Oxford; 16 edition
- David Lewis, Malcolm Sargent, Ben Schwab (2011), Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development; 11 edition
- Tony Dundon, Derreck Rollinson (2011), McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 2 edition
- Richard Kidner (2011), Blackstone's Statutes on Employment Law 2011-2012
- Gordon A Lippit, Peter Langseth, Jack Mossop (1985), Implementing organizational change, Jossey-Bass
- Donald Kirkpatrick (1985), How to manage change effectively, Jossey-Bass,
- Joseph Tidd, J R Bessant, Keith Pevitt (1997) Managing innovation: integrating technological, market, and organizational change, Wiley
- Alan Afuah (2003), Innovation management: strategies, implementation and profits Oxford University Press
- Giselle Rampasad (2009), Innovation management, VDM Verlag
- Emily Finch & Stefan Fanfiski (2010) Law Express: Tort Law (revision), Pearson, 3rd edition
- Nicholas MacBride & Roderick Bragshaw (2008), Tort Law, Pearson, 3rd edition.
- EQ Erine Elliot & Francess Quinn (2011) Tort Law, Pearson.
- Kirsty Horsey & Ericka Rackey (2011), Tort Law, OUP Oxford, 3rd edition.
- Damian Chalmers, Gareth Davies and Giorgio Monti (2010), European Union Law: Cases and Materials. Cambridge University Press; 2nd edition
- Josephine Steiner (Author), Lorna Woods (Author), EU Law, OUP Oxford; 10th edition
- Paul Craig (Author), Gráinne de Búrca (Author (2011), OUP Oxford; 5th edition
- Nigel Foster (2011), Blackstone's EU Treaties and Legislation 2011-2012, 22nd edition, OUP Oxford
- Mark Elliott and Robert Thomas (2011), Public Law, OUP Oxford
- Hilaire Barnett (2009), Understanding Public Law, 1st edition, Routledge-Cavendish
- Lisa Webley and Harriet Samuels (2009), Complete Public Law: Text, Cases, and Materials, OUP Oxford
- David Feldman QC FBA (Editor) (2009), English Public Law (Oxford Principles of English Law), OUP Oxford; 2 edition
- Robert G. Lee (Editor) (2011), Blackstone's Statutes on Public Law and Human Rights 2011-2012, 21st edition, OUP Oxford
L7 Diploma in Business and Management Studies
- Slack S, Chambers S, Johnston R, & Betts A. (2006). Operations and Process Management, Prentice Hall
- Operations Management Course Reader (2006). Pearson Publishers
- Meredith J & Shafer S. (2006). Operations Management for MBAs, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons
- Meredith J. & Mantel S. (2003). Project Management, A managerial approach, 5th edition, John Wiley & Sons
- J Bratton, (2007) Work and Organisational Behaviour. Palgrave
- S Robbins, (2005) Organisational Behaviour, Pearson
- D Rollinson, (2008) Organisational Behaviour and Analysis 4th edition FT Prentice Hall
- Czinkota Michael R. and Ronkainen Ilkka A. (2007), International Marketing, South Western College; International ed edition
- Wilson R. and Gilligan C. (2004), Strategic Marketing Management: Planning, Implementation and Control, 3rd edition, Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann
- Baker Michael J. (2007), Marketing Strategy and Management, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
- Burca Sean De, Fletcher Richard and Brown Linden (2004), International Marketing: An SME Perspective, Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall
- Doole Isobel and Lowe Robin (2004), International Marketing Strategy: Analysis, Development and Implementation, New York: Thomson
- Ghauri Pervez and Cateora Philip (2006), International Marketing, Second Edition, London: McGraw-Hill
- L Mullins,(2004), Management and Organisational Behaviour Pearson Higher Education
- Lynch, R. (2005) Corporate Strategy, 3rd Ed., Financial Times, Prentice Hall
- Mullins, L. (2005) Management and Organizational Behaviour, 7th Ed., Financial Times, Prentice Hall
- Segal-Horn (Ed.). (2004) The Strategy Reader, 2nd Ed., Blackwell
- Cameron, E. & Green, M. (2009) Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Techniques of Organisational Change
- Carnall, C. A. (2003) Managing Change in Organisations, Harlow: FT/Prentice Hall
- Stacey, R.D. (2003) Strategic Management and Organisational Dynamics, Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd
- JR Dyson, (2010), Accounting for Non-Accounting Students, FT Prentice Hall
- Financial Decision Making Course Reader, 2006: Pearson Publishers.
- Drury, C., (2004). Management and Cost Accounting, 6th edition, Thomson Learning.
- Horngren, C.T., et. al., (2005), Management and Cost Accounting, 3rd edition, Pearson Education Ltd.
- Weetman, P., (2003), Financial & Management Accounting, 3rd edition, Pearson Education Ltd.
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